Registration Now Open!

June 16 - 20 * 9 AM - 12 PM @ Duluth First UMC

Click "Register Today" to register your child and/or yourself as a volunteer!

Please also consider checking out our "Amazon Wish List" button below to help us keep this amazing summer offering free to those in our community!

Amazon Wish List

Make plans to join us for Vacation Bible School 2025! Vacation Bible School is back in person the week of June 16th-20th from 9 a.m. to noon each day. The theme this year is True North: Trusting Jesus in a Wild World!

Registration is now underway for kids going into Pre-Kindergarten (age 4 as of September 1st) through rising 6th graders. Registration is $30/student with a family maximum of $70. Each day participants will learn a new Bible verse as they go to Bible story time, sing songs, play games, make crafts, and eat yummy snacks.

In addition to registering participants, we are also registering adult and youth volunteers. We especially need shepherds. These are adult volunteers who are in charge of a group of 6-10 kids. Shepherds do not need to prepare anything in advance. They lead their group to the various activities where other volunteers are in charge. If you would like to help, but are only available one or two days that week, you can put your available dates on your registration. We often need substitute shepherds. Also, the nursery is available for the children of volunteers if you have a child who is not old enough to be a participant. Register soon to make sure you can get a t-shirt and CD!

For more information, please contact Leslie Yokeley, Director of Children’s Ministries, by e-mail at [email protected], or call 770-476-3776, ext. 138.

Duluth First United Methodist Church

3208 Duluth Highway 120
Duluth, GA 30096, US

Contact Us

Children's Ministry of Duluth's First UMC
Leslie Yokeley - Director of Children's Ministry & Christian Beginnings
     [email protected]
     770-476-3776 x138

Christian Beginnings Preschool & Kindergarten

Pat Szathmary -
Assistant Director of Christian Beginnings
     [email protected]